Missouri Wing Receives Triple State Recognition
For the first time in two years, members of the Missouri Wing, Civil Air Patrol, from across the state gathered in-person at the state capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri, as a key component of the annual Missouri Aviation Day activities.
More than 70 wing members met with state legislators, toured the capitol building and nearby Missouri Supreme Court building, and received recognition for continued exceptional community service throughout the state through a resolution from the Missouri House of Representatives, a proclamation from the Missouri Senate, and a certificate of recognition from the Missouri Governor’s Office – the first such triple recognition in anyone’s memory!
Organized by Missouri Group III deputy commander Lt. Col. Michael McCrady and Missouri Legislative Squadron commander Lt. Col. Randy Fuller, the event also included being introduced on the floor of both the Missouri House and Senate before their opening sessions and an information table set up in the capitol’s rotunda.
“Because of the presence and efforts of our members that day, forty-four new legislator or legislative staff assistants joined the legislative squadron, resulting in our largest single day recruiting effort,” noted Lt. Col. Randy Fuller. “In fact, applications are still coming in!”
Photos link: https://www.facebook.com/ncrcap/posts/1529284984139756