On Saturday, April 13, 2024, Iowa Wing held an exercise to simulate their response to a request for assistance following a severe weather event. The Wing was able to fly eight air sorties and perform several ground sorties as well. This is what Civil Air Patrol can do for our...
Congratulations to the following 11 North Central Region cadets who were awarded more than $12,000 worth of activity, academic, or flight scholarships – including one cadet recommended for acceptance to the U.S. Air Force Preparatory School in Colorado Springs! Read the full story here: https://www.cap.news/92-cadets-awarded-155k-in.../ Iowa Wing C/Maj. Jack Morman,...
Members of Missouri Wing's Springfield Regional Composite Squadron took advantage of the nicer weather to help clean up the Wilson Creek National Battlefield. Yet another way CAP units can serve their communities! Photo link:https://www.facebook.com/ncrcap/posts/pfbid02fBxDipVsry4DecRTszX3U8ateEDsr83rqCd6WpcNFwB5cm3QZYUMMWHVL45RXvSnl
Photos from the recent successful Labette County, KS, missing person search mission where members of Missouri Wing's Col. Travis Hoover Composite Squadron assisted Kansas Wing. (Photos by Maj. Henry Cole, MOWG Group V PAO.) Photo link: https://www.facebook.com/ncrcap/posts/pfbid0hY2hboSKt9QE1eN8R7kBtpNAorDGm4zZwtRsqWxqjXY2C83nfxkziZEoKmihBmQpl
NCR Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Cultural Observances, Awareness Information and Events The Member Who Never Came Back Posted 3 January 2024 by Mid-East Region Facebook THE MEMBER WHO NEVER CAME BACK It amuses me to think that your group spends so much time looking for new members when I was...
Yet another way to serve your community -- storm spotter training with the National Weather Service! Bravo Zulu to Missouri Wing's Central Missouri Composite Squadron! Photo link: https://www.facebook.com/ncrcap/posts/pfbid0259yoXbfVartZ5hk9CibJrsTRwKxkcnpMhLb6vYWRCW2ura7rUoQjq6nQTvk1bJV4l
Eleven members of the Pennington County Drone Team received drone training from South Dakota Wing, Civil Air Patrol, on March 20. Students used basic flight skills with drones to take accurate photos of what they were seeing and to maneuver between targets based on an NIST training curriculum.
North Central Region currently has 27 squadrons and education sites participating in the CAP Solar Eclipse Mission on April 8th with 2 from the Iowa Wing, 3 from the Kansas Wing, 6 from the Minnesota Wing, 6 from the Missouri Wing, 6 from the Nebraska Wing, 1 from the North...
Civil Air Patrol N9344L, the CAP airplane tasked to take the initial damage assessment over the World Trade Center after the 9-11 attacks, has been retired and delivered to it's new home at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. The aircraft was delivered by Major General Edward Phelka, Civil Air Patrol Commander and CEO. The full story may be found at this link: